North Midlands Regional Countryside Challenge Qualifiers 2023

Monday 5th June 2023

It was a very successful Countryside Challenge Qualifier at Scropton Horse Centre in Derbyshire on Monday 5th June 2023. 35 participants from across the North Midlands region represented seven RDA groups: Belvoir Vale, Cleethorpes & Grimsby, Dukeries, Helen Atkins, Nottinghamshire, Scropton and Wenlo.

Joseph Rutherford from Belvoir Vale RDA started the competition off under the watchful eyes of judges Alison Morris and Doug Smith.  The day got warmer and the smiles got bigger as more riders successfully completed the challenge course.

Alison from Lowlands Farm RDA, judging for the first time in the Countryside Challenge, was delighted to have been invited and commented on how smoothly the event ran and how much everyone was enjoying themselves.

Alison shared her thoughts of the competition:

“The horses were beautifully turned out and (very nearly!) all of them behaved themselves. Congratulations to all the riders and volunteers who participated, whether by competing, preparing the riders and horses, setting up and dismantling the Countryside Challenge course or providing delicious food and drink. It was a very enjoyable and successful day.”

Doug has judged at many similar events but said how impressed he was with the high standards of riding he saw; “We had a wonderful day of judging and everyone was so friendly - the RDA family at its best. It’s always a privilege to be asked to judge and a pleasure to do.”

“We had a wonderful day of judging and everyone was so friendly - the RDA family at its best. It’s always a privilege to be asked to judge and a pleasure to do.”

- Doug Smith

12 of the riders taking part gained scores and positions high enough to qualify to go on and compete at the RDA National Championships in July. They will be joining other participants taking part in dressage, showjumping and driving; representing their individual groups and the North Midlands region at this prestigious event. 

Grace Cuddington from Belvoir Vale RDA achieved the highest junior score, making it a double as she was also the highest scoring junior rider at our Dressage Qualifier. What a brilliant rider; we’re looking forward to seeing what she achieves at the Championships! Congratulations also go to Isobelle Hardy of Wenlo RDA who achieved the highest senior score and also the highest score of the day.

There was also a surprise extra announcement when Matt Dalley our regional publicity officer was told he was RDA volunteer of the year - a brilliant and well deserved achievement.

Thank you Event Volunteers!

Big thanks go to all of the event volunteers including the judges, writers, scorers, stewards, first aid & safeguarding, horsecare challenge testers and the ladies serving refreshments, all of whom received a ‘thank you’ rosette.  Thanks also go to the volunteers from the seven groups involved. All this fantastic volunteer support is what makes RDA work!

Thank you Nigel!

We’d also like to thank our official photographer Nigel Kirby who gave up his time to capture hundreds of brilliant pictures of the day. He gives his time very generously and supports all our regional events. You can see all the official photos for the Regional Countryside Challenge Qualifiers here.

We were also delighted to have some great entries to our Arts & Crafts competition, all with an equestrian theme, and the winners from each class all go forward to the National Competition.

The results for the Regional Arts & Crafts and Countryside Challenge Qualifiers below:


North Midlands Regional Carriage Driving Qualifiers 2023


North Midlands Regional Dressage Qualifiers 2023