Get in touch with North Midlands RDA

The North Midlands Region is run by a volunteer committee

You can contact the region here or get in touch with an individual directly

Regional Chair Glynis Dalley email Glynis

Treasurer Rosemary Hall OBE email Rosemary

Regional Coach Dawn Whitmore-Kirby email Dawn

Publicity Officer Matthew Dalley email Matthew

Regional Physio Rep Jennie Wilkinson email Jennie

Regional Carriage Driving Rep Jane Stretton email Jane

Regional Carriage Driving Rep Linda Cotterill email Linda

National Office Rep Marisa Bretherton-Mackay email Marisa

Derbyshire County Chair Chris Marbrow email Chris

Leicestershire County Chair Jane Corrall email Jane

Leicestershire County Coach Dawn Whitmore-Kirby email Dawn

Northamptonshire County Chair Chris McGarity email Chris

Northamptonshire County Coach Julie Aked email Julie

Northamptonshire County Coach Jackie Kitchen email Jackie

Nottinghamshire County Chair Jackie Selby email Jackie

Nottinghamshire County Coach Lesley Davies email Lesley

Nottinghamshire County Coach Patricia Steven email Patricia

Regional Competition Organiser Glynis Dalley email Glynis

New Group Liaision Officer Dawn Whitmore-Kirby email Dawn

 North Midlands also has the following Coach Developers available for Group reviews:

Karen Thompson email Karen

Dawn Whitmore-Kirby email Dawn

Louise Walker email Louise

Jackie Kitchin email Jackie

Julia Aked email Julia

Lesley Davies. email Lesley

 An expense claim form for regional volunteers is available here